"How Building Income On Demand helped to bring William Romero over 400 leads from Facebook Ads using the Bootcamp and assisted to build the system, that generated over 68,000$ of income within 5 short months."

Meet our client

William Romero, is an insurance broker and a financial security advisor working in Montreal and surrounding areas for over 8 years. Before working with Building Income On Demand, William Romero used to run Facebook ads on his own and had hard times finding proven systems to attract new potential clients. After he started working with Building Income On Demand his only job was to call people who already want already to buy his life insurance products. Today William Romero is building his own team of insurance brokers like him and have semi automated system in place.

Before knowing about Building Income On Demand, William used to make cold-calls/cold-texts and tried to run Facebook Ads on his own without understanding the system and how to attract potential clients from the internet. His passion is to help people to become financially competent and insure them with the best price-value policy.

This is why he needed help to understand the process without having to do lead generation 24/7 and actually concentrate on what he is good at: Assist to select the best insurance policy, that fits client's needs. His main goal was to develop a team of insurance brokers and build a semi-automated client generation system without having to work hard, but smart.

Here are 3 things that he needed help with.

1) Create an automated lead generation system.

William needed something, that will be working non-stop and doesn't require a lot of attention. The idea was to launch campaigns on social media platforms where his target audience is present.

2) Find and implement easy and effective CRM system to have everything in one place.

CRM systems are important for any broker to track clients. This makes it easier to follow-up, make upsells, create tasks for the assistants and much more.

3) Develop the perfect strategy that provides value to his potential customers and helps to save money.

Setting up ads and creating CRM system account is easy when there is a strategy in place. Creating the prefect offers with value for potential clients was the core of the work.

Obstacles THAT we had

We faced many obstacles at the beginning as William had absolutely no online presence or didn't have any audience and we had to setup everything from scratch.

1) Brand new Facebook Page

2) Own branding

3) Landing pages to gather potential leads

4) CRM system that connects all of the above with automated emails & SMS.

In addition to that, insurance industry is very saturated and has a lot of restrictions on how to advertise on the internet. We had to plan everything accordingly to the rules without compromising our proven digital marketing strategies.

Majority of insurance brokers do not have proper online presence, which is why a lot of them are struggling with getting results using Social Media as promotional platforms.

Those are not the only issues insurance brokers face. It also includes lack of trust and lack of clarity. Study shows over 50% of people don't trust insurance policies which is huge disadvantage that brokers have to deal with.

Also over 70% of consumers say, that they do not understand properly the language and the wording professional insurance brokers use to make life easier for potential clients.

We've covered all of this in our strategy that we created with William.

Our work process

We cover all of this in our 6 weeks marketing Bootcamp program and these steps are the heart of the successful marketing campaign for insurance professionals.

First William needed to fill out the Ideal Client form in order for us to understand who is his client and who will see his ads. Marketers call it an Avatar, someone who fits the description of being the IDEAL client.

The funnel was pretty simple and straightforward, however it does take some experience to set it up and make it work without errors.

As you can see we created a series of ad sets with different ads leading to one landing page where potential clients are being sold by the information and value that William offers. Once they liked everything all they had to do is to click on the form and open a new window to fill it out.

Nice and easy right?

This is exactly what we did! We made it easy to understand, so it is only looks simple, but is also doable for someone who is not a professional in digital marketing.

"TIP 1: You don't need complicated funnels with 5-10 landing pages and offers. Keep it simple when you are getting started to make your first sales with an easy and simple process. Ad-Landing page-Lead."

Branding determines the professionalism of the business, as it is easier to remember someone who has something that stands out as oppose to someone who just randomly uses different colors or themes. Try to think of any Insurance company and we are sure you will have their color and logo in mind. Same goes for insurance brokers! You need to have an image easy to remember!

Videos in the ads sometimes work even better than pictures, as it is part of the value and the image you create for your audience. They can hear your voice and see your face, so they have more trust towards you. This is exactly what we did for William and his assistant Thalia Poitras.

Those ads catch attention pretty fast! It has a hook, interesting content, a sexy offer and a real person. At this point all we needed to do is to gather the leads in the CRM.

All the leads were gathered in the system called GoHighLevel where we could track every single step of that lead through a Facebook Pixel and have all the necessary information needed for William to do his part of the work.

Numbers speak for themselves! Each month this whole system was generating from 60 to 100 qualified leads, by qualified leads we mean people who actually filled out the entire form and who are ready to look at your offer and make a decision.

As you can see William was able to close only 10 to 14 deals each month which is quite a lot for an Insurance Broker working alone or with one assistant. Based on what we've seen, on average a broker can close 5-6 contracts a month.

He has spent around 8,341$ in ads within 5 months, which is approximately 1,700$ a month on Facebook ads, but it generated William 63 closed deals and around 68,500$ in total revenue. 

By the end of 5 months after all the calculations, his profit from ads was around 60,159$.

That is over 721% of ROI (Return on investment)!

William's testimonial translated from French:

"Honestly, I wasn't expecting a lot of results since digital marketing was new to me, but I decided to give it a try anyway. After just a month of using their system, I have found over 79 clients and the number of clients has continued to grow month after month.

I had so many requests that my personal assistant couldn't keep up. In the space of 5 months, I generated over $ 68,500 in sales thanks to the system! I'm very grateful! If you want to scale your business, these guys know how to take your results to the next level."

This isn't just a one-off success. It's a repeatable system that can work for any service business, including yours. If you're looking to boost your revenue and see results like this, we can help.

Let's discuss how our strategies can work for your business.

Click the link below to book a "double your revenue" strategy call call with our team and have a genuine conversation.

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Building income on demand is an academy for service based businesses that helps business owners and entrepreneurs to generate 6 figure yearly in profit by building and implementing systems.

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Building income on demand is the digital agency academy for service based businesses that helps business owners and entrepreneurs to generate 6 figure yearly in profit by building and implementing systems.

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