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How Real Estate Agents Can Get More Clients in Q4 of 2024, going into 2025: Best Marketing Strategies for Explosive Growth

October 10, 202410 min read

The real estate game hasn’t changed—but how you play it has. What worked 5, 10, or 15 years ago is now the equivalent of rolling a stone uphill with your nose.

Real estate agents who want to dominate Q4 of 2024 and going into 2025 can’t rely on outdated methods or copycat tactics. You need a strategy that cuts through the noise and positions you as the only choice, the go-to, the agent with an unfair advantage in your area.

That’s what we’re going to talk about today. You’re about to learn the no-fluff, unvarnished truth about getting more clients in 2024 and 2025.

And I’m going to deliver this to you Alex Thoic style where there’s no room for excuses, where results matter more than your comfort zone. Buckle up.

1. Understand Marketing is Everything

First things first, let’s get one thing straight: Marketing IS the business. The homes you sell? The clients you serve? That’s the product, but the real engine behind your business is how you market yourself.

The agents who survive and thrive in 2024-25 will be the ones who understand that they’re not just in the business of real estate. They’re in the business of getting attention and building trust with their audience.

If you want more clients, you have to get serious about marketing. Not "dabble in marketing" serious. Not "I have a Facebook page" serious. You need to treat marketing as the core of your business—because it is.

2. Niche Down or Drown

One of the biggest mistakes real estate agents make is trying to appeal to everyone. I can’t tell you how many agents say, “I can help anybody buy or sell a home.” Well, here’s the hard truth: If you’re for everyone, you’re for no one.

2024-25 is about niching down, specializing, and being the expert for a specific type of client. The era of the generalist is over. Do you cater to first-time homebuyers? Do you focus on luxury properties? Are you the agent for investment properties or vacation homes? Whatever it is, you need to plant your flag in the ground and become the agent for that niche.

Once you’ve decided on your niche, every marketing message, every piece of content, every ad you run should laser-focus on that ideal client. They need to see you as the specialist who understands their unique needs better than anyone else.

3. Dominate Local SEO: Own Your Territory

I can already hear some of you groaning about SEO, but this isn’t optional. In 2024, real estate is still a local game, and your online presence needs to reflect that. The first place clients go when they’re looking for an agent is Google. If your name isn’t showing up in their search, guess what? You’re invisible.

Local SEO is where you get to dominate your territory. That means claiming and optimizing your Google My Business page, getting reviews, creating local content that speaks to the neighborhoods you serve, and getting listed in local directories.

But here’s where most agents fail, they don’t optimize their content properly. Google doesn’t care about how nice your website looks; it cares about how relevant your content is to local searches. You need to have content that specifically answers the questions your prospects are searching for.

Here’s what you do:

  • Write blog posts and create videos about the neighborhoods you serve.

  • Publish content about the housing market in your area.

  • Give updates about new developments, schools, restaurants, and local news.

SEO is a long game, but when it kicks in, you’ll have a pipeline of prospects coming directly to you, all without spending a cent on ads.

4. Leverage Paid Ads: Social Media & Google Ads

While SEO is the long game, paid ads are your fast track to visibility. In 2024-25, you need to be investing in paid advertising if you want to get ahead of your competition. But don’t waste your money by throwing ads into the wind. Be strategic.

Facebook & Instagram Ads

These platforms are still goldmines for real estate agents—if you know how to use them. The key is hyper-targeting. Most agents are still clueless when it comes to narrowing down their audience, and that’s where you get to crush it. When running Facebook or Instagram ads, you should be targeting people by location, interests, and behavior.

For example, if your niche is first-time homebuyers, target people in your area who are:

  • Recently married

  • Recently had kids

  • Interested in home and garden content

  • Looking at mortgage lenders

And don’t just run boring ads saying, “Looking to buy a house? Contact me!” That’s an amateur ad. Offer something of value, like a free guide to buying your first home or an insider’s list of properties before they hit the market. The goal is to get them into your funnel so you can follow up and nurture them over time.

Also, use short-form video reels and shorts to build goodwill in your local market. I'm sure you know that people buy from you when they know, like and trust you. Mix it with some ads and see leads coming to you almost instantly.

Videos will help you build that trust.

Google Ads

People with intent go to Google. If someone is typing “real estate agent in [your city],” they’re probably ready to take action. You need to show up at the top of those results through Google Ads. These are highly targeted, but here’s the thing: only bid on the keywords that are going to bring in leads. “Homes for sale” is way too broad. Go after the long-tail, specific terms that indicate a buyer or seller is ready to act.

Pro tip: Use retargeting ads. Most people won’t convert on their first visit to your site, so retarget them with ads that follow them around the internet. This keeps you top of mind, and by the time they’re ready to make a decision, they’ll already feel like they know you.

5. Master Video Marketing

In 2024, if you’re not using video, you’re leaving money on the table. Period. Video is the most powerful tool you have to build trust and establish authority. People want to see your face, hear your voice, and get a sense of who you are before they ever pick up the phone.

Here’s the good news: You don’t need to be a Hollywood producer to make effective real estate videos. Your smartphone is more than enough. What matters is consistency and the type of content you’re creating.

Create videos that:

  • Give virtual tours of properties.

  • Provide market updates.

  • Offer advice for buyers and sellers.

  • Highlight local businesses and neighborhoods.

Post these videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Yes, even TikTok—don’t roll your eyes. TikTok isn’t just for kids dancing; it’s a platform where people of all ages are searching for advice, including real estate.

Pro tip: Turn every property you sell into a case study video. When you close a deal, create a short video explaining how you helped your client find the perfect home or sell their property above asking price. These videos act as social proof, and there’s nothing more persuasive than showing how you’ve helped others.

6. Utilize Email Marketing: Build Relationships at Scale

Email marketing isn’t dead. In fact, it’s alive and kicking, and it should be a core part of your marketing strategy in 2024. Real estate is a business built on relationships, and email allows you to maintain those relationships at scale.

Most agents don’t use email the right way. They either bombard their list with useless updates or don’t email at all. Here’s the right way to do it:

- Segment your list: Have a list for buyers, sellers, past clients, and prospects. Tailor your messages to each group.

- Provide value: Send market updates, tips on buying or selling, and insights into local real estate trends. People will only stay subscribed if you’re delivering useful content.

- Use drip campaigns: Set up automated emails that nurture leads over time. For example, if someone downloads your first-time homebuyer guide, follow up with a series of emails walking them through the process and offering to help when they’re ready.

Don’t treat email as a “set it and forget it” tool. Use it to build trust, stay top of mind, and create a sense of familiarity with your prospects.

7. The Power of Referrals & Testimonials

No marketing strategy would be complete without talking about referrals and testimonials. In real estate, social proof is king. People trust what other people say about you more than they trust what you say about yourself.

Ask every single client for a testimonial, ideally in video form. Use these testimonials in your marketing materials, on your website, and in your ads. And don’t be shy about asking for referrals. People love to refer a great agent to their friends and family, but they need to be prompted. Create a system for requesting referrals after every deal you close. You can also use our system for that.

If you need a hand, let me know.

8. Host Events: Online & Offline

In 2024, people are craving community. Real estate agents who can build a sense of community around their brand will stand out. One powerful way to do this is by hosting events.

- Online webinars: Host educational webinars on topics like buying your first home, investing in real estate, or selling in today’s market. Promote these webinars on social media and through your email list to generate leads.

- Local events: Consider hosting in-person events like homebuyer seminars, neighborhood meetups, or charity events. These not only position you as a leader in your community but also give you the chance to meet potential clients face-to-face.

9. Double Down on Reviews

If you’re not actively managing your reviews, you’re missing out on business.

In 2024, clients rely heavily on reviews before making any decision, and real estate is no different. Ask every client for a review and make it easy for them to leave one.

And here’s an important point: respond to your reviews, both the good and the bad ones. This shows that you care about your clients and are committed to providing great service.

10. Leverage AI and Automation

Lastly, you can’t ignore the power of AI and automation in 2024. Chatbots, AI-driven CRMs, and automated marketing systems can save you countless hours while keeping your prospects engaged. Use these tools to follow up on leads, schedule appointments, and even send personalized emails.

The more you automate, the more time you’ll have to focus on what really matters, building relationships and closing deals.

Final Thoughts: 2024 is Your Year

The strategies I’ve laid out here are not for the faint of heart. They require focus, commitment, and the willingness to do what your competitors aren’t willing to do. But if you follow this blueprint, you’ll not only get more clients—you’ll dominate your market.

Remember, the key to success in real estate or any business is marketing. The agents who understand that and act on it will come out on top in 2024. So stop making excuses, stop procrastinating, and start executing.

Your future clients are waiting.

If you want to become the Go-To agent in your area and need help building out a marketing system that will bring leads on a consistent basis, feel free to reach out to us.

You can learn more about us here.



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